Draft Complete!

Written by Michele Hauser on August 6th, 2011

I did manage to complete the draft for The Crystal Palace III:  The Fairy War before returning to CA.  We brought our granddaughter and illustrator, Karina, to CA for a week.  During that time, she is to be completing her illustrations for the book.  Then it is edit, edit, edit…before sending the manuscript off to the publisher.  Watch for it in October or November on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

Writing Deadline!

Written by Michele Hauser on July 21st, 2011

I am under a deadline now to finish The Crystal Palace III:  The Fairy Wars. Karina, my granddaughter and illustrator, said she wants to give copies of this third book as favors for her 12th birthday party in November.  I need to give the publishing company 2-3 months at least, so time is short.  My goal is to finish the draft by the time we return to CA on August 4.  Karina also needs to work on the illustrations.  And then there is editing to do!  So much to do, so little time.   I am on page 150 or so now, with probably at least another 50 to go.  This book is longer and with a more complex plot than the earlier books.  Watch for it here and on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

The Melody of Words

Written by Michele Hauser on May 1st, 2011
The Crystal Palace: Rescue of the Baby Fairy Prince

The Crystal Palace: Rescue of the Baby Fairy Prince

The Crystal Palace II: Rebellion in Fairyland

The Crystal Palace II: Rebellion in Fairyland

This week I enjoyed the Melody of Words, a community event for readers, authors, and illustrators at El Camino Real High School.  Besides the keynote speaker, students and parents attended two 30-minute sessions with individual authors or illustrators.  What fun to meet my young readers!  Still, it is pricey for me – making bookmarks, business cards, and promotion cards, etc (card stock and ink) –  and who knows if it is worth it?  It is hard to get a book noticed.


The Crystal Palace:  Rescue of the Baby Fairy Prince

The Crystal Palace II:  Rebellion in Fairyland

Crystal Palace III: The Fairy Wars

Written by Michele Hauser on April 12th, 2011

The Crystal Palace:  Rescue of the Baby Fairy Prince

The Crystal Palace II:  Rebellion in Fairyland

My granddaughter Karina (11) and I worked together on the early chapters of this third book in the series.  Not only did Karina begin the illustrations, she also contributed many ideas for Fairyland.  It was much fun working together on this.  I am hoping we can complete the draft by summer, so Karina can work in earnest on the illustrations.

Drafting Crystal Palace III

Written by Michele Hauser on February 4th, 2011

The Crystal Palace:  Rescue of the Baby Fairy Prince

The Crystal Palace II:  Rebellion in Fairyland

Thanks to advice from my tech savvy son, I finally was able to complete most of the links for this website – at least enough that I feel I can get on to drafting the third book in the series: The Crystal Palace III:  The Fairy Wars.

The tricky thing about it is that I need to provide enough back story for any readers who haven’t read the first two books, without bogging down the action for those who have.  I am in chapter four now and the girls have made it back to Fairyland.  They are visiting the Crystalopolis School to see how well the different groups of fairy folk kids are working and playing together now that the Magna Carta has been implemented.  I’m trying to include more descriptions as I go along.  So far, so good…

Technology frustrations

Written by Michele Hauser on October 28th, 2010

9781432711573_cov.indd 9781432711535_cov.indd

The Crystal Palace I &II

I am eager to begin writing The Crystal Palace III:  The Fairy Wars. Karina and I have already had our “pre-writing conference” when we brainstormed ideas for the third book.  However, I feel I need to finish up with The Crystal Palace II:  Rebellion in Fairyland website items first.  I have completed the activity leaflets, readers’ theater scripts, etc., for the second book, but I am having trouble setting up the links so that viewers can access them.  Grrrr




Nine Workshops for Grades 3,4,5

Written by Michele Hauser on October 18th, 2010


The Crystal Palace I         The Crystal Palace II    The Crystal Palace III



I just completed nine workshops for grades 3,4, and 5 at Brentwood School in DesPlaines, IL.  The children were so attentive and earnest, it was a real joy.  This time I used The Crystal Palace:  Rescue of the Baby Fairy Prince for the third graders and The Crystal Palace II:  Rebellion in Fairyland for the fourth graders.  For the fifth graders, I began with Crystal Palace II, but I steered the workshop toward the children’s creating their own characters to illustrate and write about, rather than illustrating the fairy Angela from the books and writing about other characters Karina illustrated.  The children seemed to enjoy creating their own characters, so I will develop that more for future workshops.  My goal is to complete and publish The Crystal Palace III:  The Fairy Wars by next summer, so I can use that book for fifth grade workshops.  Each book is a bit longer than the last, with more complicated plot.  I am hoping that teachers will use the books and the classroom activities provided on this website for literature circles in their classrooms.  Any thoughts about all this?

Back online! PreWriting for the final book in Crystal Palace series

Written by Michele Hauser on August 19th, 2010

9781432711573_cov.indd THE CRYSTAL PALACE III:  The Fairy Wars   9781432711535_cov.indd

After nearly a year offline, due to an apparent reaction to computer radiation or something, I am finally able to work on the computer again, so I hope to keep this blog going more…and I hope to have some feedback from some of you.

Karina and I have been brainstorming ideas for The Crystal Palace III: The Fairy Wars, the final in the series.  How fun to be running with our imaginations, gathering ideas.  Now, comes the job of getting it down.

Both current Crystal Palace books are available on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.  I need some reviews on both amazon and barnes & noble, so if you read the books (and like them), it would help me if some of you would write up little reviews for them.



Crystal Palace II: Rebellion in Fairyland Published!

Written by Michele Hauser on January 7th, 2010

9781432711535_cov.inddThis is to announce to all of you (whoever you are!) that Karina’s and my second book in the Crystal Palace fairy series for children was published this week!  It is now available on amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com.  I still have much to do to input information for the press release, wholesaler’s summary, and finish activities to go with The Crystal Palace II: Rebellion in Fairyland. The publisher website for it is ready, though.  Please check it out!

For more details, excerpts, and links to the online bookstores or to contact me by email, please see my publisher author webpages for The Crystal Palace: http://www.outskirtspress.com/crystalpalace



The Crystal Palace II finally launched!

Written by Michele Hauser on December 14th, 2009

Crystal Palace with Rainbows Well, after much agony and back and forth with my publisher, we finally sent in the final proofs for The Crystal Palace II: Rebellion in Fairyland.  I hope we didn’t miss any edits of importance.  I will let you know when  The Crystal Palace II is actually published and on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.  Please watch for it!

For more details, excerpts, and links to the online bookstores or to contact me by email, please see my publisher author webpage for The Crystal Palace: http://www.outskirtspress.com/crystalpalace
